Report by Sabum Yves Pollefeyt:
First ICC this weekend in Utrecht,
We started on Saturday with a warming up and games by Master Jerdut Jurek, second part we had some sparring excesises by Tomaz Barada were we worked on distance and defence.
The third part in the morning was Self Defence given by Master Willy Van de Mortel, we worked on stances, grabbing and short defence attacks.
After the break we started again with some nice games in group by Master Jerdut and then we had the second part of sparring with Tomaz Bardada were we combined the training of the morning.
We ended with pad training by Master Willy and we give the last big effort of the day, it was about the distance and counter attacks.
After this first day of hard work we went for the banquet to a chinese restaurant with the ICC members and participants.
On Sunday we started the training with plyometric excersises given by Master Jerdut specialy based on jumping skills. Second training was about Power breaking and special techniques given by GM Bos, we worked on the procedures and did al the techniques on pads. To end the third lesson of the morning we had some sparring excersises with Tomaz Barada were we worked on attacks and counter attacks.
After the break we started with the group pictures and then we had fundemental tul training by Master Jerdut, the second part we could split up and having a sparring session with Tomaz Barada or have a chat with GM Bos.
We ended at 16hr with some pictures.
This was a great experience and looking forward to the next one.
Kind regards