6th World Cup ITF Taekwon-Do

slide-image-1Budapest-Hungary 11-16 October 2016

With over 1800 competitors from 58 countries. The belgian delegation consisted of members from ITF Brussels, Samjok-O, Ge-Baek & So-San : 8 competitors, 4 coaches, a referee and 3 supporters.


  • Annick Van Driessche : gold sparring -55kg, silver tul IV°-VI°degree, silver special tehniques in the category advanced senior female, and best advanced senior female black belt competitor
  • Alice Vrinat : gold sparring senior female -75kg coloured belts
  • Claude Duyck : gold sparring advanced senior male -68kg coloured belts

On Sunday October 16th there was also the ITF Congress Meeting.

ITF World Cup

The ITF World Cup 2016 will be held in Budapest, Hungary October 11th-16th. It will be one of the biggest ITF events ever with over 1700 competitors.

ITF-Belgium will be present with participants, umpires, coaches, officials and supporters from Samjok-O, ITF Brussels, Ge-Baek and So-San.

All information on the World Cup website and the World Cup online.

Stay updated on the belgian results through the ITF-Belgium website.itfint



ITF Battle

itfUtrecht, The Netherlands October 2nd.

Results participants ITF-Belgium:

  • Claude Duyck: gold sparring
  • Matteo Preys: gold tul & gold sparring
  • Tabitha Van Lierde: silver tul
  • Faith Wojsznis: bronze sparring
  • Aico Lauwereins: silver tul
  • Jarne Lauwereins: bronze sparring