Hosinsul Beach training

Ostend, Saturday June 29th 2024 – Report by Nico Tunyck, chair of the ITF-Belgium Hosinsul Committee

On July 29 it was the fourth beach training in a row organized by the hosinsul committee. For the first time the weather gods were so kind to us. A beautiful sun was shining over Ostend beach and the temperature was perfect.

Upon arrival of members of 4 clubs, we could start with our theme: resisting 2 opponents. After the well-deserved break, a team-building game was played, typical for the sea: digging a hole in the sand and fetching buckets of water :-).

Afterwards we could talk about bringing our opponent to the ground in the loose sand, and of course in the water… After the lesson, there was a pleasant chat and discussion in the beach bar…

We look forward to seeing everyone again next year!

Sabum Nico Tunyck

Meeting Board ITF-Vlaanderen

Sunday June 16th the Board ITF-Vlaanderen had a meeting in Lokeren (12.30 – 17.30h) concerning the policy ITF-Belgium and the action plan to implement and monitor & evaluate the actions to achieve the goals on short, medium and long term.


First online International Adapted Umpire Course ITF

Report by Sophie Ardenoy

Alice Vrinat (Inclusion Committee) and Sophie Ardenoy (TUIC) followed the ‘Primer Curso oficial de Umpire Adaptado’. This course was given by Grandmaster Abelardo Benzaquen and Sabum Anabel Vicario, chairs of resp. the ITF TUIC and the ITF Inclusion Committee.

Comments from Sophie, as umpire : “In my opinion, this course should be a requirement for all umpires. You get a different perspective on being an umpire and this not only in adaptive compititions, but also in ‘regular’ compititions. Rules can be learnt, but being human also plays a very big role here. The presence of the coach has always been very important, but here now also, in some cases, the presence of a therapist is added.
As an umpire, you obviously continue to score the best performance, but sometimes you have to look at it through a different lens.”

National Instructors Course 2024

The yearly edition of the National Instructors Course ITF-Belgium, for all instructors and assistant-instructors, will take place Sunday June 2nd in Waasmunster (10.00-15.00).

On the program: 2 patterns will be dissected, explained and practised thoroughly over 2 separate sessions by GrandMaster Frank Vanberghen; Kevin Vlaeminck will introduce the instructors in TKD Tribe and there is a session around pedagogics in Taekwon-Do classes, under guidance of Esther Meulemeester. During lunch break there will be time and room for questions and discussions.

Holland Cup

Instructors and students of different clubs ITF-Belgium participated at the Holland Cup in Pijnacker, The Netherlands June 1st.


  • Driss El Hmoud: gold sparring
  • Vladimir Kim: silver sparring
  • Rahim Ghafori: bronze tul
  • Vince Rombaut: bronze sparring
  • Ann-Sophia Verstraete: gold tul, silver sparring
  • Imad El Ammani: gold tul, gold sparring
  • Cosmin Ungureanu: silver tul, silver sparring
  • Mathilde Holten: gold sparring, bronze tul
  • Adelina Ciobanu: gold tul
  • Kelly De Prijcker: silver tul
  • Marine Krischer: bronze tul, bronze sparring
  • Rudi Heirman: bronze sparring
  • Chloe Siebesma: silver sparring
  • Irina Hauser: silver sparring