Leen Walraeve selected for European team

holland cupAt the Holland Cup, which will be held during the weekend of June 18th-19th in Pijnacker, The Netherlands, the dutch team will compete in a team event against a ‘european team’. Leen Walraeve, member of the belgian national team and winner of the bronze medal in tul female I°degree during the EC 2016 in Finland, is selected to be part of this european team. She will compete in female senior tul I°degree.

Open Zeeuwse Championships

Sunday March 20th the Open Zeeuwse Championships were organised for the 14th time in Middelburg, The Netherlands, with 315 competitors. itf

Results members ITF-Belgium:

  • Roeland Heirbaut: gold tul junior male I°degree & silver sparring junior male -68kg
  • Leen Walraeve: gold tul senior female I°degree & silver sparring senior female -56kg
  • Margeaux Pollefeyt: gold tul & gold sparring
  • Anneleen Heirbaut: silver tul & bronze sparring
  • Matteo Preys: gold sparring
  • Noor Van Rossem: bronze sparring
  • Faith Wojsznis: bronze tul & silver sparring
  • Michiel Osteux: bronze sparring

Open Fuji Mae Barcelona Cup

cupJose Carlos Revelles, Silvina Carasi and the members of Hwarang-Do Escuela de Artes Marciales organized the Open Barcelona Cup for the 5th time, and ITF-Belgium was present on all editions. This time the federation was represented by members of Won-Hyo, ITF Brussels and Ge-Baek. On this Cup there were participants from Spain, Belgium, Italy, Sweden, Ireland and France.

Emmy Baetselier won the silver medal in female sparring 12-15y coloured belts.

Open INTA Irish Championships

inta_logo150The INTA organized their open championships for the 17th time already, on February 6th and 7th. Place to be: the National Basketball Arena in Dublin. With nearly 600 participants this was one of the biggest editions ever. There was representation from Ireland, Belgium, Scotland, England, Norway and Germany.

Highlights of the weekend.

Results ITF-Belgium:

  • Annick Van Driessche: gold tul IV°-VI°degree & gold sparring female black belts 40+
  • Tabitha Van Lierde: gold tul female blue belts 12-15 years
  • Lisa Ghijsens: bronze tul blue belts female 12-15 years & bronze sparring female blue belts 11-13 years