IIC in Finland

Report by Alice Vrinat.

On November 16 and 17 2019 Sabum Hans Rombaut and I participated to the 146th IIC held in Espoo, Finland, which gathered 144 practitionners from 12 different countries. The organising club, Espoo Taekwon-Do club, also celebrated their 30th anniversary that weekend. The technical committee members, Grand Masters Hector Marano 9th degree, Kim Ung Lan 9th degree and for the first time ever Master Jerzy Jedut 8th degree, conducted the courses. They consisted in patterns from Chon-Ji to Ge Baek, footwork and sparring drills, and step sparring the first day. The second day began with self-defense and patterns of II Dan. The 2nd degrees then joined the 1st degrees with theory questions, fundamental movements and sparring drills while senior degrees went on until Tong Il. Thank you to Sabum Teppo Häyrynen and Sabum Veera Häyrynen who organized a really successful IIC and gave us a very warm welcome.

Be part of ITF history

Taekwon-Do returning to the homeland for the celebration of its 65th anniversary.

Read all details here.

A historical event in Seoul with IIC, IKC, IAC and IDC April 10th-12th, a gala dinner on April 11th in the Chosun hotel and the possibility to have a sightseeing tour around all of the for ITF important places.

Day of Taekwon-Do

The second Day of Taekwon-Do 2019 was held in Jambes, September 22nd. The seminar was open to all members ITF-Belgium, regardless of age and degree. Over 100 members participated.

Some of the best instructors of Belgium, assisted by the national team members, were conducting classes in tul & fundamental movements, sparring, hosinsul, power breaking and special techniques. Participants were divided in groups according to age/grade, with a separate program for the kids (3-7).

4th ITF Fight Evolution Summer Camp

Report by Nicolas Taylor:

As every year, since the last 3 years, I went to the ITF Fight Evolution Summer Camp organized by Oleg and Katya Solovey. It took place in Yablunytsya in the Carpathians from July 22nd to July 29th. The camp is growing every year. This time, there was 122 participants from 18 countries. Among those, there were 3 Masters (Master Stephen Cooley from Ireland, Master Thierry Meyour from Finland and Master Alexandru Muresan from Romania) and more than 10 World Champions. Many participants were also part of their national teams. The level was very high.  We were divided in 3 groups : coloured belts, black belt female and black belt male. There were 3 training sessions per day :

  • 1. morning run in the mountains or crossfit (every other day)
  • 2. sparring drills with pads
  • 3. sparring (competition sparring, point fighting etc.).

In the middle of the week, we had a day off where most of the people went to Bukovel to rest. And in the last evening, we had the  ‘Sayonara party’ to celebrate the end of the camp.

Once more, I enjoyed the experience. Not only for the training but also for the great atmosphere in this camp and the opportunity to meet Taekwon-Do friends again. And it was a very good preparation for the European Championships.

Belgian Masters teaching abroad

The belgian female Masters were invited to give seminars abroad.

Master Annick Van Driessche will conduct 3 sessions in different disciplines of Taekwon-Do in Balbriggan & Skerries (Dublin, Ireland) Saturday June 15th: a class for children up to 12, a session for all green belts and above 13 years and above and a class for girls and women only. It’s the third year in a row Master Annick was invited to conduct a seminar by Master Terry Donnelly and the club Elite Taekwon-Do.

The weekend of June 29th-30th Master Virginia Dionisi will conduct a seminar in Switserland. She was invited by Anthony Meynet. Also for Master Dionisi it’s the third time she’s invited by Anthony to conduct classes, although the previous times the seminars were held in France (Thonon-les-Bains), near the border with Switserland.