Master seminar in Ireland

Master Annick was invited to conduct a seminar in Skerries, Dublin (Ireland) June 16th, just as last year. In 2017 the seminar was ‘Ladies only’, this year there will be 3 different classes: the first one open to children up to 12 y, a class open to males and females from 13 y and green belt on and a last part only open to women.

International Instructors Course Dublin

Master Frank Vanberghen, Master Annick Van Driessche, Eddy Van Damme, Amy-Jane Troy, Michael O’Keeffe, Erika Knihti-Van Driessche and Esther Meulemeester will take part in the upcoming IIC in Dublin (City West), Ireland May 12th-13th 2018.

The IIC will be conducted by the ITF Technical Committee: GrandMaster Hector Marano, Grandmaster Lan Ung Kim and Master Pierre Laquerre.

Next IIC’s in Europe: Skövde (August), Sofia (November), Amsterdam (November) & Barcelona (January).

Day of Taekwon-Do

Since a couple of years ITF-Belgium is having 2 Days of Taekwon-Do a year…..meanwhile it has become a tradition.

May 6th the first edition of 2018 was being held in Destelbergen, with 113 participants and 11 instructors. For the first time there were separate classes for kids 3-7, the Kids Day. For these youngest participants, the seminar was shorter (1,5 hour). The instructors: Margaux Pollefeyt I° and Jérémie Bewa I°.

Youth, juniors and seniors had classes from 10.00 to 13.30. We started with a general warming-up, afterwards the groups were divided according to age and grade; there were classes in fundamental movements, tul, application of movements and stepsparring, hosinsul, sparring, powerbreaking and special techniques. Instructors: Master Annick Van Driessche VII°, Eddy Van Damme VI°, Virginia Dionisi VI°, Yves Pollefeyt VI°, Patrick Crevecoeur V°, Bob Wigman IV°, Nico Tunyck III° and Jan Lauwereins II°.

Meanwhile some black belts, instructors, could join Master Frank Vanberghen VIII° for individual tul sessions.

At the end of the seminar all participants received a participation certificate.