ITF-Belgium online Christmas seminars

Join the last event of 2020! Subscribe through

First part, 15.00-16.00, open to all members ITF-Belgium: classes conducted by Sb. Andreea Musca, with in the end Q&A (Master Annick Van Driessche).

Second part, open to black belts only, 16.15-18.15: mobility exercises (Nico Tunyck), session about mental health (Kevin Vlaeminck), tul Kwang-gae and Q&A (grandMaster Frank Vanberghen and Master Annick Van Driessche) and an informal chat/Christmas drink.

Online trainingsession by Andreea Musca

Saturday, October 31st

Andreea Musca, assistant-coach tul & pre-arranged free sparring of the Belgian national team, conducted an online seminar for the candidates for the national team, and all members who wanted to take this opportunity to train with Sabum Andreea. There were participants from different clubs present. Subject of the training session: improvement of kicks in patterns.

Congratulations to all the members that were present !

Day of Taekwon-Do & Kids Day

Sunday, October 11th 2020

The Day of Taekwon-Do & Kids Day of October 11th 2020 will be able to go on…. the edition of May 2020 had to be organized online, through Zoom, but the autumn-edition will be ‘in live’, in the venue at Jambes. Of course this can only been done with attention to the measures and with precautions: e.g. only participants and instructors will be admitted to the hall, there will be no possibility to have a shower, face masks will be common etc.

However… it will be a great feeling as most of the activitities, with few exceptions in the last weeks, had to be cancelled, postponed or organized online (Zoom and other means) as from mid March on.

Not only is it good news the seminar will be organized, it will also be in a totally new formula…. upon subscription the participants had to choose for 3 different workshops out of 13, spread over 3 sessions, besides 2 general training sessions. Also the kids (3-7) will take part in 3 (shorter) sessions.

The forecast: 101 members ITF-Belgium will be present, amongst them 14 instructors.


2nd Super Class via Zoom

The 2nd Super Class, hosted by the ITF Women’s Committee, was a succes, just as the 1st one some weeks ago. On this session, 2 of the instructors were belgian masters, Master Virginia Dionisi and Master Annick Van Driessche. Together with Sabum Julia Cross (Schotland) and the chairperson and members of the Women’s Committee, in presence of GrandMaster Weiler, GrandMaster Marano and Sabum Oros Duek and with a lot of members ITF-Belgium and practitioners from all over the world it was a great session.

NIC via Zoom

Saturday August 1st, 17.00-19.00h, for the second time this year ITF-Belgium hosted a National Instructors Course via Zoom, open to all instructors and assistant-instructors I°degree and above affiliated to ITF-Belgium. On the program this time: Ge-Baek & Choong-gun. With the practise of and explanation of fundamental movements related to the patterns, questions of the participants and doing the tuls on and without count.

The instructors participated in their garden (the weather was nice), living room or kitchen. At the end of the seminar, there was some time to reflect on the situation during Covid-19 and to check if everyone is fine.

We all hope the next NIC, which is scheduled for September 13th, and is planned to be in the dojang, face-to-face, will not be a digital course.