Webinar Sport psychology

Sunday, June 20th

An ITF online webinar, ith as themse sports psychology, will be organized on Sunday June 20th. The class will be conducted by Prof. Dr. Janel Gauthier, chairman of the ITF Do & Ethics Committee and Professor psychology at Laval University (Canada, Québec) and Sabum Leonardo Oros Duek, Treasurer of the ITF and Psychologist in Israel.

Several instructors and members ITF- Belgium will participate at the webinar.

National Instructors Course 2021 Online

Zoom, May 23rd

As the feedback on the online NIC’s of 2020 were good and on the General Assembly of January the instructors asked to repaet the format, and since it’s still difficult to have training sessions ‘in live’, another online National Instructors Course was organised this Sunday morning (open to all instructos and assistant-instructors ITF-Belgium).

On the program this time: Choong-moo. The first 45 minutes some fundamental movements from the pattern were exercised, afterwards the pattern was done on count, with explanation of the details, and in the own pace. The last part of the seminar consisted of a Q&A: on Choong-moo, but also on other patterns and aspects of Taekwon-Do.

The next NIC is planned for June 20th.

Online International Do Course

April 24th, May 1st & 8th

Do: probably the most important word in Taekwon-Do. The ITF Do & Ethics Committee made sure that also in these times members of the ITF can participate at IDC’s by providing online sessions. During 3 Saturday afternoons the comité will conduct an online IDC on which some members ITF-Belgium will be present.

International Umpire Course

April 17-18 2021

This weekend the ITF Umpire & Tournament Committee is conducting an International Umpire Course through Zoom. For 4 hours on Saturday and 4 hours on Sunday, the ITF umpire and tournament rules will be explained, with an update on the last changes, video-material to practise and so on.

Together with about 440 other participants also 20 instructors and members ITF-Belgium are attending the seminar. Another great ITF activity during these last monthis on which ITF-Belgium is well represented. Our instructors and members are always learning and studying!

World Conference by the ITF Women Committee

March 8th was the International Women’s Day. To celebrate this the ITF Women Committee is organizing a World Conference on March 13th and 14th, with 8 female speakers, 8 different topics spread over the 2 days. The conferences are open to all ITF members, limited to 1000 members a day.

On both days Master Annick Van Driessche, as board member and liaison of the Women Committee, will give an opening speech.