Day of Taekwon-Do

cropped-logoITFBelgium.pngThe next Day of Taekwon-Do, a seminar organised twice a year and open to all members of ITF-Belgium, regardless of age and grade, will be held November 6th in Jambes.

The seminar starts at 10.00 am and will be finished around 16.00 pm. All participants will receive a certificate.

Some of the best instructors of ITF-Belgium will be conducting the classes.  The invitation will be send to all national instructors one of the next days. Contact him/her for more information & for subscriptions.

Don’t miss the opportunity to train with the best!

ITF Fight Evolution Summer Camp Ukraine by Katya and Oleg Solovey

Ukranian Carpathian Mountains, near Tatariv, July 22nd-31st

Report by Alice Vrinat (ITF Brussels):

We arrived at the camp on Friday 22nd morning. The trip was by flight from Brussels to Kiev and then Kiev to Lviv on 21st July. We had to stay in Lviv one night and a student of Sabum Oleg took us from Lviv to the camp on Friday morning (4 hours road trip). Lviv is a pretty city and it was worth staying one night to walk around. naamloos

Five people from ITF-Belgium participated to this camp, Nicolas Taylor, Hortz,  Adam and Laura Nickels (Samjok-O), and me (student of ITF Brussels). All together we were around 60, mostly teenagers, and there were 9 world champions. When we arrived we had free time to settle in our rooms and then we had lunch, after which Sabum Oleg explained how the trainings were going to take place. Even though we were not supposed to have any training on Friday, he organized a little “warm up” which was great to get to know each other and everybody was keen on the idea to put on the dobok and start right away. It seemed like a very high level training camp from the beginning and I was really happy to learn and train for a week with so many skilled students.

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Seminar and gradings in Bulgaria

bulgariaMaster Frank Vanberghen and Annick Van Driessche were invited to Sofia, Bulgaria to conduct a technical seminar and dangradings for the Bulgarian Association of Taekwon-Do on July 2nd. The president, Vencislav Ignatov and the secretary-general, Yavor Tasev, organized this during the EC 2016. More than 70 participants from blue belt up to IV°degree were present at the seminar, which included tul, fundamental movements, theory, stepsparring and pre-arranged sparring for about 6 hours. Afterwards 8 members of BAT did grading for II° up to VI°degree. The technical level of the participants was very high, and all participants were enthousiastic. The hospitality was big, the welcome warm.

During the sightseeing in Sofia the next day Master Frank and Annick noticed that the 2017 EC in this city will be quite nice.

1st ITF Harmony Course

There was already a special ITF Taekwon-Do program for children 4-7 years old, the Kids Course. Since now ITF also has a program for senior practitioners (over 50), the ITF Harmony Course.


The course was introduced in Israel, Zichron Ya’akov on Friday January 29th by GrandMaster Pablo Trajtenberg (Argentina), 9th degree, ITF President. The 1st ITF Harmony Course was attended by several Masters, black belts and coloured belts from e.g. Norway, Poland, Belgium, France, Russia, Nepal, Uzbekistan, Italy, Israel. Master Frank Vanberghen & Annick Van Driessche represented ITF-Belgium during the four days in Israel. Besides the course there was time for several talks, meetings and a visit to Jerusalem.