28th Belgian Championship on February 25th in Sint-Lievens-Houtem

Dear all,

Hereby we welcome you all for the 28th Belgian ITF-Taekwon-Do Championships on Sunday 25/02/2018 in Sint-Lievens-Houtem.

It will be a nice competition as always for kids, youth, juniors, seniors and veterans.
Pattern, teampattern, sparring, power, specials and pre-arranged sparring are on the menu.
The prices are: 15,-€ for 1 discipline and 20,-€ for 2 or more disciplines.

For more info, look at the attached ‘Invitation BC 2018 SLH met link‘.

Please send your inscriptions and payments before or on 20/02/2018 (=closing date for all inscriptions).

The inscriptions will be done directly in Sportdata on the following link: https://www.sportdata.org/taekwondo_itf/set-online/veranstaltung_info_main.php?active_menu=calendar&vernr=95#a_eventhead

School Hodori (Sint-Lievens-Houtem) and the Tournament and Umpire Committee (TUC) Belgium wish you already a nice day.

Greetings and hope to see you there,


Sabum Stefan Hendrickx (School Hodori) and Sabum Eddy Van Damme (TUC), Julien Goulard (TUC) and Kevin Vlaeminck (TUC).