General Assembly ITF-Vlaanderen & ITF-Belgium

January 23rd 2022

For the second year in a row the General Assembly ITF-Vlaanderen eV vzw & ITF-Belgium had to be done through digital platforms. However, the meeting went on smoothly. The board, instructors of the affiliated clubs, the committees and coaches gathered to have an overview on what happened in 2021 and the planning for the upcoming year.

AETF Committees

During the European Championships in Spain, November 2021, at the annual Congress Meeting, elections (4 yearly) for the AETF Board and the Revisory Committee were being held. Master Virginia Dionisi was elected as vice-president, GrandMaster Frank Vanberghen was re-elected as chairperson of the Revisory Committee.

The newly elected AETF Board held its board meeting in Poland, January 15th. During this meeting the members of existing and new established AETF committees were elected. GrandMaster Frank Vanberghen was re-elected as chairperson of the AETF Revisory Committee, Master Annick Van Driessche was elected as chairperson of the AETF Women Committee and Benito Martinez was elected as member of the Inclusion Committee.

With this, members of ITF-Belgium are involved in both the Board ITF as AETF and committees of both federations.