Online ITF-Vlaanderen Board Meeting

Tuesday, May 30th 2023

During an online meeting the board members ITF-Vlaanderen eV vzw discussed some topics as e.g. the policy plan of the federation (which was started in March), including the goals and organization chart, the received offers for the new power breaking device, the state of play of the other devices and material that was ordered recently, budget requests, the number of participants at events such as the NIC, Day of Taekwon-Do and IAC and the participation of members ITF-Belgium at championships abroad which allow non-ITF members.

There was also an exposition on the online tool Twizzitt0

In the upcoming days and weeks the board members will work on some of these topics, and plan a new meeting shortly.

National Instructors Course 2023

Woluwe, Sunday May 28th

During this NIC, open to all instructors ITF-Belgium, the focus will be set on the following topics: functional warming-up for tul and for sparring, dynamic strectching, how to teach step sparring, the circle of Taekwon-Do and the relation between the several disciplines in Taekwon-Do, common mistakes during gradings, Q&A and the tuls So-San, Se-Jong & Tong-Il.