Seminar in Ireland

Master Annick Van Driessche was conducting a series of seminars in Beaumont, Dublin, Ireland, as was the case in 2017, 2018 and 2019.

She was invited by the Women Committee and the Board of INTA, which hosted the seminar with great hospitality.

The were good vibes, a very positive energy and good performances.


European Championships 2024 April 20th-21st

Saturday April 20th

The day started with female power breaking, where Tabitha Van Lierde and Zuzanna Debowska were competing. Tabitha could break with the sonkal taerigi, Zuzanna was not able to do breaks at her first EC. But both girls will be competing in team power breaking on Sunday.

Andreea Musca was up in pattern against Norway, a competitor she had already beaten before. However this time the referees decided in favour of Norway.

In the afternoon Alice Vrinat was facing multiple champion Bo Rook from The Netherlands in pattern. Although she performed very well, Bo was the one taking the win. She would become european champion later that day.

In sparring Jeremie was up against Romania. Few points were made on both sides, in the end the romanian won with the smallest difference.

In the evening, after the gala, the AETF Women Committee organized a Meet&Greet, with Master Virginia attending as AETF Vice-President and Master Annick as chair of the committee. Most of the belgian team delegates were present.

Sunday April 21st

The morning was busy. Wim Vermeir and Hans Rombaut were the first ones in the ring, in pattern 4-6 degree. Wim did great, but a small mistake made him lose over Denmark. Hans won the first bout against Hungary, facing Italy in the second round, which unfortunately he lost although in our opinion he deserved to win.

Rune faced Austria in tul, he was a bit nervous, so the austrian competitor won the bout.

Alyssa had to step in the ring for sparring. She really fought with her heart, beating Spain and Romania and facing Finland in the third round. Both girls were quite equal, the win could go to each side, but in the end Finland took it. Alyssa so just missed the podium.

The afternoon started with male power breaking. Hans was one of the few competitors to break with punch, but he injured himself and could not do the other techniques fully.

Altan went straight to the second bout, where he faced an experienced irish competitor, multiple champion. Altan fought as a lion, but on his first EC he could not beat experience. But, the future will be his.

The last event was team power breaking for the female team. They did so well and achieved the bronze medal.

Categories EC

European Championships 2024 April 15th to April 19th

Wednesday April 17th

Yesterday the belgian team arrived in Lublin, Poland for the EC 2024. In the evening the opening ceremony starts at 20.00h. The actual competition starts on Thursday April 18th.

The team was accompanied by Master Virginia Dionisi, Vice-President of AETF.

Meanwhile Master Annick Van Driessche was arriving on Sunday April 14th, as the ITF Board Meeting was scheduled on April 15th, 16th and 17th.

GrandMaster Frank Vanberghen joined on Monday, to have meetings with and for the ITF ARCC.

Thursday April 18th

Lara Capa  performed in pattern pre-junior. She had to perform Ge-Baek and Chon-ji. She lost, but it’s very promising for the future.

Kilan Verbraeken competed in junior special techniques. He reached 4 out of 5 of the techniques, also very promising for the championships to come. In the afternoon he was up in sparring. He won his first bout to Bulgaria, but unfortunately had to quit the second bout due to an injury.

Friday April 19th

Today only one competitor had to step into the ring, in junior pattern  Helin Capa. She won her first bout, with Po-Eun and Won-hyo, from Spain. In the second round she faced Norway. Helin was strong, technically and mentally. Taking into account this is her first EC she can be very proud.

At 19.00h in the evening there was the AETF Congress Meeting, with Master Virginia Dionisi as Vice-President, Master Annick Van Driessche representing Belgium for the 23rd year, and GrandMaster Frank Vanberghen as representative, for the 20th year already, of the Revisory Committee.

Categories EC

On the way to the European Championships 2024

Sunday April 7th the last squad training before departure to the 2024 Euros in Poland went on in Waasmunster. The coaches and competitors gathered for a session with all of the disciplines.

GrandMaster Frank Vanberghen, Master Annick Van Driessche and Master Eddy Van Damme paid the team with a visit.

The belgian delegation will leave for Lublin, Poland Monday April 15th. Keep tuned and follow their performances and the results on Instagram, Facebook, Sportsdata or through the livestream.

Categories EC