Seminar in Brussels

Report by Master Virginia Dionisi.

Sunday March 8th.

In Brussels we celebrated the Women’s Day doing what we love: Taekwon-Do! I was invited to conduct a seminar in patterns and three step sparring at the school Red Force, leaded by Bo Sabum Costel Grigoras. We started the seminar with a light warming up, followed by training in fundamental movements, exercises to improve side kick, balance and to develop core muscles. Afterwards we continued with some patterns (depending on the grades of the students) and technical explanations on purpose and applications of specific movements. To finalize, we analyzed together three steps sparring and the different possibilities of its execution.   

At the end of the session, I gave a short testimonial together with two of my students (Andreea Musca and Leen Walraeve) that are members of the national team. We explained when we started to practice Taekwon-Do and we showed the more important medals we have obtained at World and European competitions.  

To close the event, I talked about the importance of the different roles we may have in the club and during our martial art life.  And, Mr. Grigoras had a hidden special surprise for all ladies: he gave a red rose to everyone!

Yours in Taekwon-Do,

Master Virginia Dionisi

Sparring seminar in Hodori

Master Annick Van Driessche was invited by the instructors of Hodori in St-Lievens-Houtem, Stefan Hendrickx, Davy Van Asselt, Kevin Vlaeminck and Arnaud Verschelde, to conduct a seminar about the basics in ITF Taekwon-Do sparring. The seminar took place on Friday February 22nd, 19.30-21.30h, and was open to all members of Hodori. Participants were very motivated.

They worked especially on the way competitors move around in the ring during sparring, combined with velocity, and on the use of yop chagi in both offensive and defensive way.

Seminar in Red Force

Report by Master Virginia Dionisi:

Seminar at the School Red Force – Brussels

On Sunday 26th January I was invited to give a seminar at the school Red Force, lead by Bo Sabum Costel Grigoras. The content focused on (i) fundamental movements/patterns (preparation, breathing, sine wave, generation of power, main muscles used) and (ii) basic concepts of sparring (including exercises to improve kicks and footwork, dynamics of the fight, setting up a strategy).

The course was intended to last 2 hours, but the group was so motivated that we stayed one additional hour. At the end of the seminar there was time for questions, a picture session and handing the certificates of attendance.

It was a very nice Sunday, even if I was jet-lagged because I arrived from Argentina on Saturday :).

Thanks Bo Sabum Costel for your confidence! Yours in Taekwon-Do, Master Virginia Dionisi

Sparring seminar in Bastogne

Report by Marco Gaspar.

Saturday 28 December took place the first seminar organized by the club Bushido Bastogne. The city of Bastogne hosted a 3 hours sparring seminar with 36 participants who met for a learning moment with guest SabumNim Yves Pollefeyt. Without needing much introduction, SabumNim Yves Pollefeyt, well known to all participants, began by demonstrating that mental work in combat is the basis and that along with speed and strength provide the good results. Many kicks, many punches, many techniques with a training intensity that characterizes him made him believe that ‘Be Your Own Hero is to keep in mind. At the end of the seminar the opinion was unanimous, an excellent sparring seminar with an excellent reception by Bushido Bastogne.

IIC in Finland

Report by Alice Vrinat.

On November 16 and 17 2019 Sabum Hans Rombaut and I participated to the 146th IIC held in Espoo, Finland, which gathered 144 practitionners from 12 different countries. The organising club, Espoo Taekwon-Do club, also celebrated their 30th anniversary that weekend. The technical committee members, Grand Masters Hector Marano 9th degree, Kim Ung Lan 9th degree and for the first time ever Master Jerzy Jedut 8th degree, conducted the courses. They consisted in patterns from Chon-Ji to Ge Baek, footwork and sparring drills, and step sparring the first day. The second day began with self-defense and patterns of II Dan. The 2nd degrees then joined the 1st degrees with theory questions, fundamental movements and sparring drills while senior degrees went on until Tong Il. Thank you to Sabum Teppo Häyrynen and Sabum Veera Häyrynen who organized a really successful IIC and gave us a very warm welcome.