Day of Taekwon-Do 2017

The 2017 Day of Taekwon-Do ITF-Belgium has been organized in Jambes, in the ADEPS-complex, Sunday November 19th.

There were 10 instructors and 120 participants present, from all ages beginning as from 4 years on, white, coloured as well as black belts. The focus today was on fundamental movements & tul, sambo-, ibo, ilbo matsogi & pre-arranged free sparring, hosinsul and sparring. After the warming-up the participants were divided into several groups, according to their age and grade. In the end there was still a general cooling-down.

The instructors for the day : Master Frank Vanberghen (VIII°), Annick Van Driessche (VI°), Virginia Dionisi (VI°), Eddy Van Damme (VI°), Patrick Crevecoeur (V°), Tom Van De Sijpe (IV°), Stefan Hendrickx (IV°), Erik Van Hoeck (II°), Esther Meulemeester (II°) and Terence Bewa (I°).

It was great seeing the dedication and passion of the instructors and the motivation of the participants. All participants went home with a certificate of participation.

The instructors hope to see all of you back on the next Day of Taekwon-Do, in 2018.

Seminar with Marcelo Bordiez

In 2015 Marcelo Bordiez gave a splendid seminar in Belgium. It was so fantastic that, now the occasion was there, ITF Brussels (Virginia Dionisi and Gonzalo Tejerina) took the opportunity to invite him  once again. After the World Championships in Dublin, Marcelo and his daughter were still in Europe and they were eager to come over to Belgium this Sunday October 22nd, in the venue Sportscity in Woluwe. Pablo Pascuzzo accompagnied them.

Marcelo Bordiez (VI°degree and one of the coaches of team Argentina) and his daughter Aldana (member of the argentinian team) gave two sessions. The first one was open to all ages and grades, the second session was for 13+ only. Marcelo gave some very nice exercises, meanly focussing on mobility and moving in sparring.

There were 70 participants from nearly all affiliated schools ITF-Belgium, with also some participants from GD Luxembourg and The Netherlands.

Day of Taekwon-Do 2017

The next ITF-Belgium Day of Taekwon-Do will be held in Jambes (Namur) on Sunday November 19th.

Invitations will be send to all affiliated school today, October 2nd.

Please contact your instructor for all information and to subscribe to a day full of fun. Be ready to learn from the best!

Sparring seminar with Marcelo Bordiez




In 2015 Marcelo Bordiez conducted a splendid seminar in Belgium. This year he’s coming back! After the World Championships in Dublin he will stay in Europe for an extra couple of days, taking the time to have another training session in Woluwe (near Brussels).

Don’t miss the opportunity to train with one of the coaches of Argentina.

All information

ITF Fight Evolution Summer Camp

Report by Nicolas Taylor (Samjok-O):

Back from my second Ukraine ITF Fight Evolution summer camp. As last year, it has been a great experience, with lots of fun and plenty of memories. They were about 80 participants from 14 different countries, coming as far as Argentina, and plenty of international competitors training to be ready for the World Championship in Dublin. Two Masters were present as well : Master Stephen Cooley from Ireland and Master Alexandru Muresan from Romania. 

The camp took place at the same location as the previous year, in the Carpathian Mountains. Depending the day, we started either by a run in the mountain or by a crossfit session before breakfast. Then, after some rest, we had a morning session where we were doing exercises for sparring with shields, rackets,… In the afternoon, we had a last session where we were only doing sparring. I liked that session as it gave opportunity to practice sparring with different people and without the pressure of competition. Sessions were of a very good quality but exhausting. We could use the swimming pool after a training session. For the two daily Taekwon-do trainings, we were divided in 3 groups: coloured belts, black belt female, black belt male. We also had a day off to rest where we went to Bukovel to walk in a natural park. At the end of the camp, we had a black belt team sparring competition. It followed the ITF competition rules for team sparring with the exception that each team was composed of 6 persons and therefore there where 6 matches. Plus teams were composed of male and female (male vs female match were not allowed). Cups were given for the 3 first places, with only 1 third place. During the competition, I’ve been corner referee, also a nice experience. That evening, we had a celebration party. Like last year, I really enjoyed my time there and learned a lot.