14th National Instructors Course

The next National Instructors Course will take place in Lokeren, Sunday March 26th, from 10.00 on. As always, the NIC is open to black belts, instructors ITF-Belgium.

On the program on this NIC: warming-up & stretching, tul from Chon-ji up to Tong-il (in 3 separate sessions), amendments in the umpire & tournament rules and questions/discussion.

Snacks and drinks will be provided by the federation.

Polish Winter Camp

Report by Nicolas Taylor, student of Samjok-O:

Here is my summary from the Winter Camp.
Back again in Poland for my second Winter Camp. I went again after discussing with friends from abroad and we decided to meet there. As previously, the organization was very good and transfer is organized between Katowice airport and Szczryk.
There were 2 training per day. Although you can decide to skip the morning training and go for skiing instead. This year, contrary to last year, I used that option and took the opportunity to learn snowboarding. It was quite nice.
Most of the training were directed by Master Jedut and were more sparring oriented.
In the evening, there was the possibility to train by yourself or asking for a consultation. Even if the Masters were not always available, you can find easily people ready to help you when you’re practicing your patterns.
Winter Camp is more relaxed than Summer Camp but it’s a nice way to spend holidays. It is also a great opportunity to train with different people and learn new things. Last but not least, it allows to see your Taekwon-do friends.
More likely, next year will be my 3rd time.

Seminar with Tomaz Barada in Belgium

December 3rd & 4th multiple European and World Champion Tomaz Barada (VI°degree, Slovenia) conducted 4 sparring sessions in Belgium, in Sporthal De Dageraad in Harelbeke. Already in 2001 Tomaz came to our country to conduct a seminar, it was great having him back after 15 years. tomaz4

During the weekend about 85 participants from ITF-Belgium, The Netherlands and Italy attended the seminar, some for one session, some for one day, some for all 4 sessions. Tomaz made sure all of them had a good time, none of the sessions was the same : sparring combinations, tactics, mobility exercises,….hard work and fun at the same time. In the end, while everyone was sweaty and tired, Tomaz took the time to answer to all kinds of questions.

Many thanks to national coach Yves Pollefeyt for the practical side of the organisation.