ITF Taekwon-Do European Championships 2018

During the Belgian Championships of February 25th the national coaches announced the 2018 selection for the national team (EC in Maribor, Slovenia April 12th-15th):


  • Hans Rombaut: senior male tul IV°-VI° degree
  • Hans Van Lierde: senior male power breaking
  • Margaux Pollefeyt: junior female tul I° degree
  • Alice Vrinat: senior female sparring -68kg
  • Omar El Ferkhani: senior male sparring -63kg
Categories EC

28th Belgian Championships

Sint-Lievens-Houtem, Sunday February 25th 2018

The 28th BC was organized by the club Hodori, together with the ITF-Belgium U&T Committee. For the 4th year in a row, the number of participants reached a record: 222 competitors showed up for tul, teamtul, pre-arranged free sparring, kids sparring, sparring, specials and power breaking. The competition was open to coloured as well as black belts, kids 3-7, youth, juniors, seniors and veterans.

The U&T Committee and the 40 umpires and assistants made sure everything ran smoothly and thanks to the coaches of the 14 clubs present the athmosphere was nice, the tournament went on with a lot of fair-play and the quality was high.

All results can be found through the Sportsdata website: results.

Categories BC