Disciplinary rules and confidential advisers

The congress voted for a change in the disciplinary rules, with the implementation of an extra article on (sexual) harrasment. The disciplinary committee worked on this item last summer, the congress confirmed the need for this adapation as within ITF-Belgium this kind of behaviour is not accepted.

The update of the disciplinary rules can be found under ‘Documents’, for now only in Dutch, the version in French will be published as soon as the translation has been completed.

ITF-Belgium also decided to appoint 3 confidential advisers, persons with whom members (or their parents) can take contact in case of a problem. Their contact details: click here.

Conducting ITF Taekwon-Do classes in Iran

Master Annick and Master Frank were asked by GrandMaster Paul Weiler (ITF Senior Vice President and responsable for the development of ITF in Asia and Africa) to accompany him during his trip to Iran for the 2nd ITF Technical Promotional Seminar in Tehran, January 4th and 5th. During his first visit there he noticed that, during the classes, some female practitioners were present to watch, but they could not participate as females can only be teached by a female instructor. So GM Weiler asked Master Frank to help him, together with Mr. Omid Hassanipour (6th degree from Norway, with Persian roots), to conduct the classes for the male participants, while Master Annick would be the first foreign female instructor to be invited to teach ITF Taekwon-Do in an islamic country.

The seminar consisted of theory (theory of power, secret training of Taekwon-Do etc.), fundamental movements, tul, stepsparring, hosinsul, the correct way of performing kicks etc.

The female participants missed a good basic knowledge, but they were very eager to learn, they were very motivated and asked a lot of questions. They really want to learn about ITF Taekwon-Do and they worked hard during the 2-day seminar. They can be very proud of their efforts.

In general the people in Iran are very warm, with a great hospitality and curious to meet foreigners, ask them questions. Many thanks to the Iran Taekwon-Do Union and the President, Mr. Hamid Mokthashami for the warm welcome.

Grading VII°degree

On December 10th in Dortmund, Germany Annick Van Driessche was promoted to Master VII°degree, under guidance of Grandmaster Kim Ung Lan and GrandMaster Rolf Becking.

The grading consisted of tul (Tong-il, So-san, Yon-gae and Eui-am), sambo, ibo & ilbo matsogi, hosinsul, sparring, 3 breaking techniques and a theoretical part (which took about 40 minutes). Annick did her grading together with Nigel Stobie (Ireland), who was also succesfully promoted to Master.