ITF Congress Meeting & Elections

September 5th ITF had its Congress Meeting and General Assembly 2023 during the World Championships in Tampere, Finland.

Four years had passed since the previous elections for the Board, and so there were elections for the new ITF Board. After 4 years as a Board Member Master Annick Van Driessche was re-elected for a next term, but now as VicePresident, so member of the ITF Exective Committee.

GrandMaster Paul Weiler will have another term as President, With GrandMaster Clint Norman as Senior VicePresident and Master Leonardo Oros Duek as Treasurer. Master Tadeusz Loboda is appointed as Secretary-General. Elected as Members-at-Large: Master Philip Lear, Martina Lendarthova, Master Mark Banicevich, Cosmin Oprescu and Master Luis Gato-Gato.

At the Congress 57 countries were represented, with a total of 124 votes. ITF-Belgium was represented by Master Virginia Dionisi, while GrandMaster Frank Vanberghen was both representing the ARCC, as chair, and representing ITF Luxemburg with a proxy.

Feedback on the Coach Developer Course

Monday August 7th Nicolas Taylor, head coach of the national team, had an online meeting with part of the board ITF-Vlaanderen. Nicolas is following the ITF Coach Developer Course and just finished the first part, in Ireland. There are still many tasks to do, still a long way to go, but Nicolas already wanted to give feedback on the course and check on the possibilities in Belgium and the further plans.

The project looks very promising.

We will keep you updated on the next steps…..

Summer meetings board ITF-Vlaanderen

The board ITF-Vlaanderen planned 2 meetings during the summer holidays.

A first meeting was done through digital platforms on Monday July 10th. The board members discussed on wether to proceed or not with the Twizzit platform for administrative purposes, and if the planned presentation in August should be taken or not. Some questions where formulated and send to Twizzit. Depending on the answers the board will go forward with the platform or not.

A second meeting is planned for Saturday July 15th, in Lokeren. The board will work further on the already started documents of the policy plan, which should be finished by the end of 2023.

Meeting of the TUIC

Report by Benito Martinez:

On Sunday June 4th, after the Day of Taekwon-Do in Jambes, the Tournament, Umpiring and IT Committee (TUIC) hold a regular meeting. The improvement of Taekwon-Do championships and to have more and better educated umpires, are in the center of the TUIC worries and debates. How to motivate more people to become full-time umpires? Are the conditions for grading enough? Which other methods could we develop?

The discussions turn also about the implementation of the electronic system for umpiring in Belgian championships and the steps still to take in this direction. More IT umpires will be needed to face this new challenge.

The TUIC also analyzed the modalities of competition for the ‘Myosotis Challenge’ to be celebrated on September 24th and took some decisions about this; the invitation will be sent by the month of August. This will be a championship only for the disciplines that use memory like patterns, team patterns and pre-arranged sparring, and that will be as from yellow belt! The inscription fees will be donated to an association that helps families with a member affected by Alzheimer.

It was a long and productive day.

Online ITF-Vlaanderen Board Meeting

Tuesday, May 30th 2023

During an online meeting the board members ITF-Vlaanderen eV vzw discussed some topics as e.g. the policy plan of the federation (which was started in March), including the goals and organization chart, the received offers for the new power breaking device, the state of play of the other devices and material that was ordered recently, budget requests, the number of participants at events such as the NIC, Day of Taekwon-Do and IAC and the participation of members ITF-Belgium at championships abroad which allow non-ITF members.

There was also an exposition on the online tool Twizzitt0

In the upcoming days and weeks the board members will work on some of these topics, and plan a new meeting shortly.