New coaches national team appointed

ITF-Belgium and the belgian national team have some new coaches. After sending in their candidatures, they have been appointed by the board:

  • Coach tul, teamtul, pre-arranged sparring: Master Virginia Dionisi
  • Assistant-coach tul, teamtul, pre-arranged sparring: Andreea Musca
  • Coach sparring: Erik Van Hoeck
  • Assistant-coach sparring: Nicolas Taylor
  • Assistant-coach power breaking: Hans Van Lierde

Congratulations to all of them. We’re sure they will do a great job.

Some positions are still vacant: coach and assistant-coach special techniques and coach power breaking. If you believe you could be an asset to the team, don’t hesitate to send your CV and motivational letter in within the next couple of weeks.

The coaches can start working towards the 2021 World and European Championships!

Covid-19 Update

Dear members,

As from Monday May 4th on some of the measures taken in the battle against the Covid-19 virus will be changed, depending on the evolution of the pandemic. This will happen in several phases, with May 11th, May 18th and June 8th as next points.

In the first phases the re-opening of sportclubs, such as martial arts gyms, is not on the agenda. Dojangs will not be able to restart before May 18th, and even afterwards for now there are still some questionmarks.

However, we are following the situation and some authorities have been informed about our concerns, as with respect to (extra) precautionary measures, personal hygiëne (which is always very important for Taekwon-Do ), adapted classes etc. a lot can already been done.

As soon as we have more news, you will be informed.

Meanwhile, stay connected, keep on moving and practising. Most clubs and instructors have set up online classes through all kinds of different channels. ITF has organized some webinars and charla’s, and May 17th ITF-Belgium will host the Zoom Kids Day & Zoom Day of Taekwon-Do. If necessary, more activities will come up.

Stay safe, stay strong and take care of yourselves and the others,

Master Annick

Online Day of Taekwon-Do & Kids Day

Due to the restrictions for the Covid-19 pandemic we had to cancell all events, e.g. the Day of taekwon-Do and the Kids Day of May 17th in Jambes.

However, we want to offer our members an alternative….

On the same date, Sunday May 17th, ITF-Belgium will host the first online Zoom Kids Day and Zoom Day of Taekwon-Do. More information, the invitation and all details will be spread amongst the instructors asap.

Mark the date in your agenda and keep on practising Taekwon-Do in lockdown!

Online Zoom classes

During this Covid-19 pandemic a lot of instructors are searching their way through online classes, with Facetime, Skype, Zoom or other means. Also Master Virginia (ITF Brussels) stays busy. She wrote this report:

Saturday 18 April, 2020 – virtual Masterclass

In times of the pandemic that we need to train at home, people are finding different ways to get closer. I was invited to conduct a virtual Masterclass via Zoom by  the school Centro de Entrenamiento  from Misiones (Argentina), lead by Sabum Agustina Correa and Sabum Mauricio Rodriguez (both V° degree). Between the participants there were children and adults from 10° kup till VII° degree, mainly from different locations in Misiones and some participants from Belgium, Hungary, Czech Republic and the USA. It was nice to see on the screen complete families taking part! The class was conducted in Spanish language.

It was a great experience and we could feel the good vibes online of the more than 80 Taekwon-Do practitioners that participated. The class consisted of warming up/conditioning, fundamental movements/kicks in patterns, sparring drills and stretching. After the class participants received a certificate of attendance.

Many thanks to the organizers for the invitation! It was very emotional, challenging and fun!

Yours in Taekwon-Do,

Master Virginia Dionisi – ITF Brussels