1st ITF eWorld Championships

As alternative for the ITF World Championships, postponed with 2 years, the first ITF eWorld Championships in tul, teamtul and pre-arranged free sparring for national teams will be organized September 4th-19th. The national coaches selected a team, which is practising hard at this moment in time:

  • Andreea Musca: tul IV-VI degree, pre-arranged free sparring
  • Esther Meulemeester: tul III degree
  • Amber Dellaert: tul III degree
  • Laura Mouret: tul II degree, pre-arranged free sparring
  • Juan Martinez: tul I degree
  • Maximilien Boyens: tul I degree
  • Tabitha Van Lierde: tul junior II degree, junior pre-arranged free sparring
  • Lisa Ghijsens: tul junior I degree, junior pre-arranged free sparring
  • Rune Schuddinck: tul junior I degree
Categories WC

Action for the victims of the floods

The T-shirt action in favour of the victims of the floods (July 14-15) collected 460€. The sum was transferred to the account 2525 of the Red Cross.

Many thanks to the members, instructors and clubs that ordered one of more T-shirts in order to support the action.

Action ITF-Belgium T-shirts for the victims of the floods

The T-shirts ITF-Belgium are still available (in sizes 8, 12, XS and XL – other sizes are already out of stock ), with the ITF logo in the front and the logo ITF-Belgium at the back. The price has not changed for years, it’s still 12€. However, we’re doing a special action from today until July 31st.

You can order one or more T-shirts (contact taekwondo1@telenet.be); the amount we collect this way, of T-shirts ordered and transfered before that date, will be tranferred integrally to the bank account of the Red Cross for the victims of the floods of last week.

Send an e-mail, we can agree on how the shirt(s) will come your way, and transfer the amount right away to the number that will be send as reply (in order to be sure, you can send the proof of payment before the deadline).

Host for international Master promotion

Saturday July 17th ITF-Belgium will be hosting an international dan grading again. In the dojang of Ge-Baek a Master promotion will take place for 3 candidates of The Netherlands under the guidance of GrandMaster Frank Vanberghen and GrandMaster Lan Ung Kim (Germany).

Good luck to the candidates!

Online National Instructors Course

The second online National Instructors Course for black belts, instructors and assistant-instructors ITF-Belgium, was held Sunday morning June 20th. On the program: tuls Won-hyo and Eui-am: fundamental movements and details from these tuls, and the patterns in detail on count and in the own pace. In the end there was time for a Q&A, on both tuls, but also on other patterns or disciplines of Taekwon-Do.

All of the participants did a great effort, and enjoyed spending some time together… but still we made the promise, as the numbers in the pandemic are going in the good direction, to have the next NIC in the dojang, September 5th!